Broadway Avenue, Milton Keynes, MK14 5PY
01908617868, Emergency Number: 07761513423


At Giffard Park Primary School, children are taught religious education from Year 1 to Year 6 using the Milton Keynes Locally Agreed RE Syllabus (2017-2022). Teaching is based on key questions in line with the syllabus and lessons starts by posing these questions. As part of the curriculum, the children can develop spiritually, morally, socially and culturally. Children take part in weekly religious education lessons in which they learn about a variety of different faiths making strong links through the themes of:-

  •         believing  a faith and its texts and teaching
  •         belonging  to a faith and to other believers; and
  •         behaving in a way that is required by the texts and teachings of each faith.

The focus in Key Stage 1 is largely on Christianity and Judaism, but referring to other faiths where appropriate, particularly if there are members of other faiths in the class. Using stories, pictures, and artefacts we help children have an insight into the belief, practices and lifestyles of different people. Children have the opportunity to discuss the difference between rules and routines and right and wrong; as well as topics such as relationships and belonging, special places, occasions, and celebrations. Each year the Christmas story is explored through music, singing, and performing in a KS1 nativity performance. 

  In Key Stage 2 Christianity is again the main faith taught in each year group, alongside Hinduism and Islam, as well as other represented faiths. Wherever appropriate, opportunities are taken to refer to the faiths and topics covered in KS1. The children continue to explore stories, artefacts, and images to provoke questions about the meaning and purpose of life, beliefs about God and the nature of reality, and what it means to be human. Children continue to learn about religious celebrations and festivals, including marriage and life after death, as well as topics such as sacred texts, places of worship, pilgrimages, leaders and the environment. Children are challenged to reflect upon, consider, analyse and evaluate issues of truth, equality, belief, faith, and ethics. 

Visits to places of worship are planned for across all-year groups and visitors are encouraged to the school from a variety of faiths. These links help us to embed religious education into the curriculum to give our children a rich, balanced and authentic experience. Bridge Builder Trust regularly attend to deliver whole school assemblies as well as Christmas and Easter Cracked workshops for Year 6. 


Parents have the right to withdraw their child from collective worship and all or part of religious education. 

Broadway Avenue, Milton Keynes, MK14 5PY
01908617868, Emergency Number: 07761513423


At Giffard Park Primary School, children are taught religious education from Year 1 to Year 6 using the Milton Keynes Locally Agreed RE Syllabus (2017-2022). Teaching is based on key questions in line with the syllabus and lessons starts by posing these questions. As part of the curriculum, the children can develop spiritually, morally, socially and culturally. Children take part in weekly religious education lessons in which they learn about a variety of different faiths making strong links through the themes of:-

  •         believing  a faith and its texts and teaching
  •         belonging  to a faith and to other believers; and
  •         behaving in a way that is required by the texts and teachings of each faith.

The focus in Key Stage 1 is largely on Christianity and Judaism, but referring to other faiths where appropriate, particularly if there are members of other faiths in the class. Using stories, pictures, and artefacts we help children have an insight into the belief, practices and lifestyles of different people. Children have the opportunity to discuss the difference between rules and routines and right and wrong; as well as topics such as relationships and belonging, special places, occasions, and celebrations. Each year the Christmas story is explored through music, singing, and performing in a KS1 nativity performance. 

  In Key Stage 2 Christianity is again the main faith taught in each year group, alongside Hinduism and Islam, as well as other represented faiths. Wherever appropriate, opportunities are taken to refer to the faiths and topics covered in KS1. The children continue to explore stories, artefacts, and images to provoke questions about the meaning and purpose of life, beliefs about God and the nature of reality, and what it means to be human. Children continue to learn about religious celebrations and festivals, including marriage and life after death, as well as topics such as sacred texts, places of worship, pilgrimages, leaders and the environment. Children are challenged to reflect upon, consider, analyse and evaluate issues of truth, equality, belief, faith, and ethics. 

Visits to places of worship are planned for across all-year groups and visitors are encouraged to the school from a variety of faiths. These links help us to embed religious education into the curriculum to give our children a rich, balanced and authentic experience. Bridge Builder Trust regularly attend to deliver whole school assemblies as well as Christmas and Easter Cracked workshops for Year 6. 


Parents have the right to withdraw their child from collective worship and all or part of religious education. 

Broadway Avenue, Milton Keynes, MK14 5PY
01908617868, Emergency Number: 07761513423


At Giffard Park Primary School, children are taught religious education from Year 1 to Year 6 using the Milton Keynes Locally Agreed RE Syllabus (2017-2022). Teaching is based on key questions in line with the syllabus and lessons starts by posing these questions. As part of the curriculum, the children can develop spiritually, morally, socially and culturally. Children take part in weekly religious education lessons in which they learn about a variety of different faiths making strong links through the themes of:-

  •         believing  a faith and its texts and teaching
  •         belonging  to a faith and to other believers; and
  •         behaving in a way that is required by the texts and teachings of each faith.

The focus in Key Stage 1 is largely on Christianity and Judaism, but referring to other faiths where appropriate, particularly if there are members of other faiths in the class. Using stories, pictures, and artefacts we help children have an insight into the belief, practices and lifestyles of different people. Children have the opportunity to discuss the difference between rules and routines and right and wrong; as well as topics such as relationships and belonging, special places, occasions, and celebrations. Each year the Christmas story is explored through music, singing, and performing in a KS1 nativity performance. 

  In Key Stage 2 Christianity is again the main faith taught in each year group, alongside Hinduism and Islam, as well as other represented faiths. Wherever appropriate, opportunities are taken to refer to the faiths and topics covered in KS1. The children continue to explore stories, artefacts, and images to provoke questions about the meaning and purpose of life, beliefs about God and the nature of reality, and what it means to be human. Children continue to learn about religious celebrations and festivals, including marriage and life after death, as well as topics such as sacred texts, places of worship, pilgrimages, leaders and the environment. Children are challenged to reflect upon, consider, analyse and evaluate issues of truth, equality, belief, faith, and ethics. 

Visits to places of worship are planned for across all-year groups and visitors are encouraged to the school from a variety of faiths. These links help us to embed religious education into the curriculum to give our children a rich, balanced and authentic experience. Bridge Builder Trust regularly attend to deliver whole school assemblies as well as Christmas and Easter Cracked workshops for Year 6. 


Parents have the right to withdraw their child from collective worship and all or part of religious education. 

Broadway Avenue, Milton Keynes, MK14 5PY
01908617868, Emergency Number: 07761513423


At Giffard Park Primary School, children are taught religious education from Year 1 to Year 6 using the Milton Keynes Locally Agreed RE Syllabus (2017-2022). Teaching is based on key questions in line with the syllabus and lessons starts by posing these questions. As part of the curriculum, the children can develop spiritually, morally, socially and culturally. Children take part in weekly religious education lessons in which they learn about a variety of different faiths making strong links through the themes of:-

  •         believing  a faith and its texts and teaching
  •         belonging  to a faith and to other believers; and
  •         behaving in a way that is required by the texts and teachings of each faith.

The focus in Key Stage 1 is largely on Christianity and Judaism, but referring to other faiths where appropriate, particularly if there are members of other faiths in the class. Using stories, pictures, and artefacts we help children have an insight into the belief, practices and lifestyles of different people. Children have the opportunity to discuss the difference between rules and routines and right and wrong; as well as topics such as relationships and belonging, special places, occasions, and celebrations. Each year the Christmas story is explored through music, singing, and performing in a KS1 nativity performance. 

  In Key Stage 2 Christianity is again the main faith taught in each year group, alongside Hinduism and Islam, as well as other represented faiths. Wherever appropriate, opportunities are taken to refer to the faiths and topics covered in KS1. The children continue to explore stories, artefacts, and images to provoke questions about the meaning and purpose of life, beliefs about God and the nature of reality, and what it means to be human. Children continue to learn about religious celebrations and festivals, including marriage and life after death, as well as topics such as sacred texts, places of worship, pilgrimages, leaders and the environment. Children are challenged to reflect upon, consider, analyse and evaluate issues of truth, equality, belief, faith, and ethics. 

Visits to places of worship are planned for across all-year groups and visitors are encouraged to the school from a variety of faiths. These links help us to embed religious education into the curriculum to give our children a rich, balanced and authentic experience. Bridge Builder Trust regularly attend to deliver whole school assemblies as well as Christmas and Easter Cracked workshops for Year 6. 


Parents have the right to withdraw their child from collective worship and all or part of religious education. 

Broadway Avenue, Milton Keynes, MK14 5PY
01908617868, Emergency Number: 07761513423


At Giffard Park Primary School, children are taught religious education from Year 1 to Year 6 using the Milton Keynes Locally Agreed RE Syllabus (2017-2022). Teaching is based on key questions in line with the syllabus and lessons starts by posing these questions. As part of the curriculum, the children can develop spiritually, morally, socially and culturally. Children take part in weekly religious education lessons in which they learn about a variety of different faiths making strong links through the themes of:-

  •         believing  a faith and its texts and teaching
  •         belonging  to a faith and to other believers; and
  •         behaving in a way that is required by the texts and teachings of each faith.

The focus in Key Stage 1 is largely on Christianity and Judaism, but referring to other faiths where appropriate, particularly if there are members of other faiths in the class. Using stories, pictures, and artefacts we help children have an insight into the belief, practices and lifestyles of different people. Children have the opportunity to discuss the difference between rules and routines and right and wrong; as well as topics such as relationships and belonging, special places, occasions, and celebrations. Each year the Christmas story is explored through music, singing, and performing in a KS1 nativity performance. 

  In Key Stage 2 Christianity is again the main faith taught in each year group, alongside Hinduism and Islam, as well as other represented faiths. Wherever appropriate, opportunities are taken to refer to the faiths and topics covered in KS1. The children continue to explore stories, artefacts, and images to provoke questions about the meaning and purpose of life, beliefs about God and the nature of reality, and what it means to be human. Children continue to learn about religious celebrations and festivals, including marriage and life after death, as well as topics such as sacred texts, places of worship, pilgrimages, leaders and the environment. Children are challenged to reflect upon, consider, analyse and evaluate issues of truth, equality, belief, faith, and ethics. 

Visits to places of worship are planned for across all-year groups and visitors are encouraged to the school from a variety of faiths. These links help us to embed religious education into the curriculum to give our children a rich, balanced and authentic experience. Bridge Builder Trust regularly attend to deliver whole school assemblies as well as Christmas and Easter Cracked workshops for Year 6. 


Parents have the right to withdraw their child from collective worship and all or part of religious education. 
