Broadway Avenue, Milton Keynes, MK14 5PY
01908617868, Emergency Number: 07761513423

Remote Learning

Remote Learning Vision


At Giffard Park Primary School we remain committed to supporting all our pupils during an unplanned school closure.

Every child in Key Stage 2 has a Google Login, which they can use from home to access Google Classroom. In the event of a school closure, work will be sent to pupils on Google Classroom. 

In Foundation and Key Stage 1, work will be uploaded to the school website on this page and a link will be sent to parents via parent mail. Parents are encouraged to share their child's work with the class teacher via the class email accounts. 



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Broadway Avenue, Milton Keynes, MK14 5PY
01908617868, Emergency Number: 07761513423

Remote Learning

Remote Learning Vision


At Giffard Park Primary School we remain committed to supporting all our pupils during an unplanned school closure.

Every child in Key Stage 2 has a Google Login, which they can use from home to access Google Classroom. In the event of a school closure, work will be sent to pupils on Google Classroom. 

In Foundation and Key Stage 1, work will be uploaded to the school website on this page and a link will be sent to parents via parent mail. Parents are encouraged to share their child's work with the class teacher via the class email accounts. 



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