Broadway Avenue, Milton Keynes, MK14 5PY
01908617868, Emergency Number: 07761513423

PSHE at Giffard Park school

Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE) is an important part of our school curriculum.  At Giffard Park Primary School we teach our PSHE lessons using SCARF (Safety, Caring, Achieving, Resilience, Friendship), a scheme created by Coram Life Education, which we buy into.  Within our PSHE lessons we aim to give children a safe space to explore ideas relating to themselves and others. Through PSHE the children learn the skills that will enable them to become resilient learners as well as responsible individuals who are able to tackle many of the social, moral, spiritual and cultural issues that they will encounter as they grow up. They learn the importance of understanding and respecting others, helping them to form positive relationships. 

All pupils at Giffard Park School take part in weekly PSHE lessons where they learn about friendships and relationships; British values (democracy, liberty, respect, tolerance, responsibility and law) and keeping themselves safe, happy and healthy in a variety of everyday situations, including online.   PSHE is not only taught in discreet lessons but clear links are made within other curriculum areas when appropriate.  In addition to the above, the school reinforces the teaching of PSHE through assemblies, story time, circle time and through daily community circles.  The many trips and visitors to our school also support much of our pupils’ PSHE learning and some of the highlights of our pupils’ time at Giffard Park include the residential trips in Year 4 and 6, regular visits from groups such as MK Dons, Bikeability and Virgin Money’s ‘Make £5 Grow’.  In addition, the team at SCARF provide a yearly workshop for two year groups to attend and it is our hope that every child will get the opportunity to expience one of these workshops at some point in their time with us. 

At Giffard Park pupils spend a considerable amount of time discussing and exploring the school’s SMART values (sensitive, motivated, aspiring, responsible and truthful).  They learn what a SMART learner is and how they themselves can become one.  They also learn about the key skills necessary for learning such as listening, turn taking and the importance of respecting others.   These areas are revisited regularly throughout the year.  The children look at democracy and clear links are made with our School Council elections.  There is a keen focus on self-esteem, resilience, building confidence and having a positive mindset as well as setting goals and achievable targets.  Pupils look at bullying and online safety as well as how to keep themselves fit and healthy, both mentally and physically.  In the summer term there is a strong focus on transition, particularly for pre-schoolers, who will be joining our school, and for Year 6 who will be moving onto secondary school.  Our aim is to ensure that our pupils feel prepared and well supported for the changes that the new academic year will bring.

A key part of our PSHE education is RSE and education related to relationships is discussed and then built upon throughout our children’s time at the school.  

Intent, Implimentation, Impact Document


Whole School Yearly Overview


Please find the information regarding our Relationships Curriculum attached below. 

CLERSEInformationforparents.pdf .pdf
DFEInformationforParents.pdf .pdf
Protected Characteristics.pdf .pdf
RSHEPolicy 01.2024.pdf .pdf

For a copy of our SMSC policy, please click here: Policy

Broadway Avenue, Milton Keynes, MK14 5PY
01908617868, Emergency Number: 07761513423

PSHE at Giffard Park school

Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE) is an important part of our school curriculum.  At Giffard Park Primary School we teach our PSHE lessons using SCARF (Safety, Caring, Achieving, Resilience, Friendship), a scheme created by Coram Life Education, which we buy into.  Within our PSHE lessons we aim to give children a safe space to explore ideas relating to themselves and others. Through PSHE the children learn the skills that will enable them to become resilient learners as well as responsible individuals who are able to tackle many of the social, moral, spiritual and cultural issues that they will encounter as they grow up. They learn the importance of understanding and respecting others, helping them to form positive relationships. 

All pupils at Giffard Park School take part in weekly PSHE lessons where they learn about friendships and relationships; British values (democracy, liberty, respect, tolerance, responsibility and law) and keeping themselves safe, happy and healthy in a variety of everyday situations, including online.   PSHE is not only taught in discreet lessons but clear links are made within other curriculum areas when appropriate.  In addition to the above, the school reinforces the teaching of PSHE through assemblies, story time, circle time and through daily community circles.  The many trips and visitors to our school also support much of our pupils’ PSHE learning and some of the highlights of our pupils’ time at Giffard Park include the residential trips in Year 4 and 6, regular visits from groups such as MK Dons, Bikeability and Virgin Money’s ‘Make £5 Grow’.  In addition, the team at SCARF provide a yearly workshop for two year groups to attend and it is our hope that every child will get the opportunity to expience one of these workshops at some point in their time with us. 

At Giffard Park pupils spend a considerable amount of time discussing and exploring the school’s SMART values (sensitive, motivated, aspiring, responsible and truthful).  They learn what a SMART learner is and how they themselves can become one.  They also learn about the key skills necessary for learning such as listening, turn taking and the importance of respecting others.   These areas are revisited regularly throughout the year.  The children look at democracy and clear links are made with our School Council elections.  There is a keen focus on self-esteem, resilience, building confidence and having a positive mindset as well as setting goals and achievable targets.  Pupils look at bullying and online safety as well as how to keep themselves fit and healthy, both mentally and physically.  In the summer term there is a strong focus on transition, particularly for pre-schoolers, who will be joining our school, and for Year 6 who will be moving onto secondary school.  Our aim is to ensure that our pupils feel prepared and well supported for the changes that the new academic year will bring.

A key part of our PSHE education is RSE and education related to relationships is discussed and then built upon throughout our children’s time at the school.  

Intent, Implimentation, Impact Document


Whole School Yearly Overview


Please find the information regarding our Relationships Curriculum attached below. 

CLERSEInformationforparents.pdf .pdf
DFEInformationforParents.pdf .pdf
Protected Characteristics.pdf .pdf
RSHEPolicy 01.2024.pdf .pdf

For a copy of our SMSC policy, please click here: Policy

Broadway Avenue, Milton Keynes, MK14 5PY
01908617868, Emergency Number: 07761513423

PSHE at Giffard Park school

Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE) is an important part of our school curriculum.  At Giffard Park Primary School we teach our PSHE lessons using SCARF (Safety, Caring, Achieving, Resilience, Friendship), a scheme created by Coram Life Education, which we buy into.  Within our PSHE lessons we aim to give children a safe space to explore ideas relating to themselves and others. Through PSHE the children learn the skills that will enable them to become resilient learners as well as responsible individuals who are able to tackle many of the social, moral, spiritual and cultural issues that they will encounter as they grow up. They learn the importance of understanding and respecting others, helping them to form positive relationships. 

All pupils at Giffard Park School take part in weekly PSHE lessons where they learn about friendships and relationships; British values (democracy, liberty, respect, tolerance, responsibility and law) and keeping themselves safe, happy and healthy in a variety of everyday situations, including online.   PSHE is not only taught in discreet lessons but clear links are made within other curriculum areas when appropriate.  In addition to the above, the school reinforces the teaching of PSHE through assemblies, story time, circle time and through daily community circles.  The many trips and visitors to our school also support much of our pupils’ PSHE learning and some of the highlights of our pupils’ time at Giffard Park include the residential trips in Year 4 and 6, regular visits from groups such as MK Dons, Bikeability and Virgin Money’s ‘Make £5 Grow’.  In addition, the team at SCARF provide a yearly workshop for two year groups to attend and it is our hope that every child will get the opportunity to expience one of these workshops at some point in their time with us. 

At Giffard Park pupils spend a considerable amount of time discussing and exploring the school’s SMART values (sensitive, motivated, aspiring, responsible and truthful).  They learn what a SMART learner is and how they themselves can become one.  They also learn about the key skills necessary for learning such as listening, turn taking and the importance of respecting others.   These areas are revisited regularly throughout the year.  The children look at democracy and clear links are made with our School Council elections.  There is a keen focus on self-esteem, resilience, building confidence and having a positive mindset as well as setting goals and achievable targets.  Pupils look at bullying and online safety as well as how to keep themselves fit and healthy, both mentally and physically.  In the summer term there is a strong focus on transition, particularly for pre-schoolers, who will be joining our school, and for Year 6 who will be moving onto secondary school.  Our aim is to ensure that our pupils feel prepared and well supported for the changes that the new academic year will bring.

A key part of our PSHE education is RSE and education related to relationships is discussed and then built upon throughout our children’s time at the school.  

Intent, Implimentation, Impact Document


Whole School Yearly Overview


Please find the information regarding our Relationships Curriculum attached below. 

CLERSEInformationforparents.pdf .pdf
DFEInformationforParents.pdf .pdf
Protected Characteristics.pdf .pdf
RSHEPolicy 01.2024.pdf .pdf

For a copy of our SMSC policy, please click here: Policy