At Giffard Park Primary School we believe that all children should have access to high quality musical opportunities every week. Music is beneficial to our children’s development and wellbeing and helps to enrich their lives and education. Pupils follow the National Curriculum for music and work at levels appropriate for their ability. We are proud to be a Music Mark School for our dedication to promoting the importance of Music Education.
Key Stage 1.
In Key Stage 1, weekly music lessons involve singing, listening and practical activities with a focus on pitch, beat, and performance. Where possible lessons are linked to the other termly topics, to enhance cross-curricular links. Children are given the chance to use percussion instruments, performing in small groups and individually both in unison and in rounds.
Key Stage 2
In Key Stage 2, children build on prior learning and extend their understanding of pitch and beat. They also have the opportunity to play musical instruments and learn to develop accuracy, control and expression. All children are given the opportunity to play in a group and individually. Throughout this Key Stage, children explore musical history through looking into the work of different composers and artists of different genres of music including film music, classical music and pop. Children also learn about musical notation and how to compose simple melodies and accompaniments.
Music Progression
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Music Progression document .pdf |
Music Intent Implementation Impact
Singing Assemblies
All children in the school participate in weekly singing assemblies in each key stage. They learn a range of songs, exploring different styles and genres, as well as songs from different cultures. We have termly whole school singing assemblies where the children come together to share the songs they have been learning.
Wider Opportunities.
Year 4 children are given the chance to take part in the Wider Opportunities Scheme, receiving whole-class insrumental lessons. The scheme is a government initiative, designed to give all primary children the chance to play an instrument as an integral part of National Curriculum music lessons. This year children will have Brass lessons in the Spring Term.
Peripatetic lessons.
We also offer musical instrument lessons taught by specialist teachers from Milton Keynes Music Co-operative. These lessons take place during school time and are taught in addition to our music curriculum. At present we offer woodwind, brass and violin lessons. These are available to children in Key Stage 2.
Children who take part in peripatetic lessons can work towards being given the chance to perform at Milton Keynes Primary School Music Festival. Ensembles from our school always do us proud at the festivals and we look forward to our groups performing in the Woodwind and Strings Festivals in the Spring Term.
Weekly Rockstead Music School lessons are offered to children in all year groups. Children become part of a 'Rock Band' and can choose to play drums, keyboards, bass guitar or electric guitar, or show off thier vocal skills. Our budding rockstars then perform with their bands in special assemblies each term!
Giffard Park Primary School choir rehearse once a week at lunchtimes for children in years 1 to 6. They practice a wide variety of songs with giving the children an input into the types of songs they would like to sing and work towards various performances during the year.
As well as taking part in music festivals, we like to offer our children plenty of opportunities to perform at school events such as our Christmas fayre , as well as assemblies. We also invite residents from the local retired housing devleopment, to musical performances, which are always extremely enjoyable occasions for all involved.
Pre-school, Foundation and KS1 take part in Christmas Nativity Performances where they have the opportunity to sing and dance together in front of an audience.
Children in Year 2 attend the Milton Keynes Primary Schools Music Festival each Summer Term, learning songs to perform alongside chidlren from schools across Milton Keynes.
Children in Year 5 take part in the Young Voices concerts in Birmingham Resorts World Arena, where they peform as part of the largest children's choir in the World! The concerts are truly unforgetable experiences for our children.
In Year 6, children participate in a Leaver's performance each Summer Term, having a final opportunity to take to the stage and present their acting and singing talents! Last year's 'Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies' was absolutely fantastic!
At Giffard Park Primary School we believe that all children should have access to high quality musical opportunities every week. Music is beneficial to our children’s development and wellbeing and helps to enrich their lives and education. Pupils follow the National Curriculum for music and work at levels appropriate for their ability. We are proud to be a Music Mark School for our dedication to promoting the importance of Music Education.
Key Stage 1.
In Key Stage 1, weekly music lessons involve singing, listening and practical activities with a focus on pitch, beat, and performance. Where possible lessons are linked to the other termly topics, to enhance cross-curricular links. Children are given the chance to use percussion instruments, performing in small groups and individually both in unison and in rounds.
Key Stage 2
In Key Stage 2, children build on prior learning and extend their understanding of pitch and beat. They also have the opportunity to play musical instruments and learn to develop accuracy, control and expression. All children are given the opportunity to play in a group and individually. Throughout this Key Stage, children explore musical history through looking into the work of different composers and artists of different genres of music including film music, classical music and pop. Children also learn about musical notation and how to compose simple melodies and accompaniments.
Music Progression
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Music Progression document .pdf |
Music Intent Implementation Impact
Singing Assemblies
All children in the school participate in weekly singing assemblies in each key stage. They learn a range of songs, exploring different styles and genres, as well as songs from different cultures. We have termly whole school singing assemblies where the children come together to share the songs they have been learning.
Wider Opportunities.
Year 4 children are given the chance to take part in the Wider Opportunities Scheme, receiving whole-class insrumental lessons. The scheme is a government initiative, designed to give all primary children the chance to play an instrument as an integral part of National Curriculum music lessons. This year children will have Brass lessons in the Spring Term.
Peripatetic lessons.
We also offer musical instrument lessons taught by specialist teachers from Milton Keynes Music Co-operative. These lessons take place during school time and are taught in addition to our music curriculum. At present we offer woodwind, brass and violin lessons. These are available to children in Key Stage 2.
Children who take part in peripatetic lessons can work towards being given the chance to perform at Milton Keynes Primary School Music Festival. Ensembles from our school always do us proud at the festivals and we look forward to our groups performing in the Woodwind and Strings Festivals in the Spring Term.
Weekly Rockstead Music School lessons are offered to children in all year groups. Children become part of a 'Rock Band' and can choose to play drums, keyboards, bass guitar or electric guitar, or show off thier vocal skills. Our budding rockstars then perform with their bands in special assemblies each term!
Giffard Park Primary School choir rehearse once a week at lunchtimes for children in years 1 to 6. They practice a wide variety of songs with giving the children an input into the types of songs they would like to sing and work towards various performances during the year.
As well as taking part in music festivals, we like to offer our children plenty of opportunities to perform at school events such as our Christmas fayre , as well as assemblies. We also invite residents from the local retired housing devleopment, to musical performances, which are always extremely enjoyable occasions for all involved.
Pre-school, Foundation and KS1 take part in Christmas Nativity Performances where they have the opportunity to sing and dance together in front of an audience.
Children in Year 2 attend the Milton Keynes Primary Schools Music Festival each Summer Term, learning songs to perform alongside chidlren from schools across Milton Keynes.
Children in Year 5 take part in the Young Voices concerts in Birmingham Resorts World Arena, where they peform as part of the largest children's choir in the World! The concerts are truly unforgetable experiences for our children.
In Year 6, children participate in a Leaver's performance each Summer Term, having a final opportunity to take to the stage and present their acting and singing talents! Last year's 'Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies' was absolutely fantastic!
At Giffard Park Primary School we believe that all children should have access to high quality musical opportunities every week. Music is beneficial to our children’s development and wellbeing and helps to enrich their lives and education. Pupils follow the National Curriculum for music and work at levels appropriate for their ability. We are proud to be a Music Mark School for our dedication to promoting the importance of Music Education.
Key Stage 1.
In Key Stage 1, weekly music lessons involve singing, listening and practical activities with a focus on pitch, beat, and performance. Where possible lessons are linked to the other termly topics, to enhance cross-curricular links. Children are given the chance to use percussion instruments, performing in small groups and individually both in unison and in rounds.
Key Stage 2
In Key Stage 2, children build on prior learning and extend their understanding of pitch and beat. They also have the opportunity to play musical instruments and learn to develop accuracy, control and expression. All children are given the opportunity to play in a group and individually. Throughout this Key Stage, children explore musical history through looking into the work of different composers and artists of different genres of music including film music, classical music and pop. Children also learn about musical notation and how to compose simple melodies and accompaniments.
Music Progression
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Music Progression document .pdf |
Music Intent Implementation Impact
Singing Assemblies
All children in the school participate in weekly singing assemblies in each key stage. They learn a range of songs, exploring different styles and genres, as well as songs from different cultures. We have termly whole school singing assemblies where the children come together to share the songs they have been learning.
Wider Opportunities.
Year 4 children are given the chance to take part in the Wider Opportunities Scheme, receiving whole-class insrumental lessons. The scheme is a government initiative, designed to give all primary children the chance to play an instrument as an integral part of National Curriculum music lessons. This year children will have Brass lessons in the Spring Term.
Peripatetic lessons.
We also offer musical instrument lessons taught by specialist teachers from Milton Keynes Music Co-operative. These lessons take place during school time and are taught in addition to our music curriculum. At present we offer woodwind, brass and violin lessons. These are available to children in Key Stage 2.
Children who take part in peripatetic lessons can work towards being given the chance to perform at Milton Keynes Primary School Music Festival. Ensembles from our school always do us proud at the festivals and we look forward to our groups performing in the Woodwind and Strings Festivals in the Spring Term.
Weekly Rockstead Music School lessons are offered to children in all year groups. Children become part of a 'Rock Band' and can choose to play drums, keyboards, bass guitar or electric guitar, or show off thier vocal skills. Our budding rockstars then perform with their bands in special assemblies each term!
Giffard Park Primary School choir rehearse once a week at lunchtimes for children in years 1 to 6. They practice a wide variety of songs with giving the children an input into the types of songs they would like to sing and work towards various performances during the year.
As well as taking part in music festivals, we like to offer our children plenty of opportunities to perform at school events such as our Christmas fayre , as well as assemblies. We also invite residents from the local retired housing devleopment, to musical performances, which are always extremely enjoyable occasions for all involved.
Pre-school, Foundation and KS1 take part in Christmas Nativity Performances where they have the opportunity to sing and dance together in front of an audience.
Children in Year 2 attend the Milton Keynes Primary Schools Music Festival each Summer Term, learning songs to perform alongside chidlren from schools across Milton Keynes.
Children in Year 5 take part in the Young Voices concerts in Birmingham Resorts World Arena, where they peform as part of the largest children's choir in the World! The concerts are truly unforgetable experiences for our children.
In Year 6, children participate in a Leaver's performance each Summer Term, having a final opportunity to take to the stage and present their acting and singing talents! Last year's 'Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies' was absolutely fantastic!
At Giffard Park Primary School we believe that all children should have access to high quality musical opportunities every week. Music is beneficial to our children’s development and wellbeing and helps to enrich their lives and education. Pupils follow the National Curriculum for music and work at levels appropriate for their ability. We are proud to be a Music Mark School for our dedication to promoting the importance of Music Education.
Key Stage 1.
In Key Stage 1, weekly music lessons involve singing, listening and practical activities with a focus on pitch, beat, and performance. Where possible lessons are linked to the other termly topics, to enhance cross-curricular links. Children are given the chance to use percussion instruments, performing in small groups and individually both in unison and in rounds.
Key Stage 2
In Key Stage 2, children build on prior learning and extend their understanding of pitch and beat. They also have the opportunity to play musical instruments and learn to develop accuracy, control and expression. All children are given the opportunity to play in a group and individually. Throughout this Key Stage, children explore musical history through looking into the work of different composers and artists of different genres of music including film music, classical music and pop. Children also learn about musical notation and how to compose simple melodies and accompaniments.
Music Progression
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Music Progression document .pdf |
Music Intent Implementation Impact
Singing Assemblies
All children in the school participate in weekly singing assemblies in each key stage. They learn a range of songs, exploring different styles and genres, as well as songs from different cultures. We have termly whole school singing assemblies where the children come together to share the songs they have been learning.
Wider Opportunities.
Year 4 children are given the chance to take part in the Wider Opportunities Scheme, receiving whole-class insrumental lessons. The scheme is a government initiative, designed to give all primary children the chance to play an instrument as an integral part of National Curriculum music lessons. This year children will have Brass lessons in the Spring Term.
Peripatetic lessons.
We also offer musical instrument lessons taught by specialist teachers from Milton Keynes Music Co-operative. These lessons take place during school time and are taught in addition to our music curriculum. At present we offer woodwind, brass and violin lessons. These are available to children in Key Stage 2.
Children who take part in peripatetic lessons can work towards being given the chance to perform at Milton Keynes Primary School Music Festival. Ensembles from our school always do us proud at the festivals and we look forward to our groups performing in the Woodwind and Strings Festivals in the Spring Term.
Weekly Rockstead Music School lessons are offered to children in all year groups. Children become part of a 'Rock Band' and can choose to play drums, keyboards, bass guitar or electric guitar, or show off thier vocal skills. Our budding rockstars then perform with their bands in special assemblies each term!
Giffard Park Primary School choir rehearse once a week at lunchtimes for children in years 1 to 6. They practice a wide variety of songs with giving the children an input into the types of songs they would like to sing and work towards various performances during the year.
As well as taking part in music festivals, we like to offer our children plenty of opportunities to perform at school events such as our Christmas fayre , as well as assemblies. We also invite residents from the local retired housing devleopment, to musical performances, which are always extremely enjoyable occasions for all involved.
Pre-school, Foundation and KS1 take part in Christmas Nativity Performances where they have the opportunity to sing and dance together in front of an audience.
Children in Year 2 attend the Milton Keynes Primary Schools Music Festival each Summer Term, learning songs to perform alongside chidlren from schools across Milton Keynes.
Children in Year 5 take part in the Young Voices concerts in Birmingham Resorts World Arena, where they peform as part of the largest children's choir in the World! The concerts are truly unforgetable experiences for our children.
In Year 6, children participate in a Leaver's performance each Summer Term, having a final opportunity to take to the stage and present their acting and singing talents! Last year's 'Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies' was absolutely fantastic!