Broadway Avenue, Milton Keynes, MK14 5PY
01908617868, Emergency Number: 07761513423

Equality Objectives


Our school aims to meet its obligations under the public sector equality duty by having due regard to the need to:
• Eliminate discrimination and other conduct that is prohibited by the Equality Act 2010
• Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it
• Foster good relations across all characteristics – between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it

2.Legislation and guidance
This document meets the requirements under the following legislation:
The Equality Act 2010, which introduced the public sector equality duty and protects people from discrimination The Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) Regulations 2011, which require schools to publish information to demonstrate how they are complying with the public sector equality duty and to publish equality objectives
This document is also based on Department for Education (DfE) guidance: The Equality Act 2010 and schools. In line with the Public Sector Equality Duty 2011, our Equality Objectives are as follows:


3.Equality objectives

  • To promote spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development through all appropriate curricular and extracurricular opportunities. We aim to meet this objective with particular reference to issues of equality and diversity. 
  • To reduce prejudice and increase understanding of equality through direct teaching across the curriculum. 
  • To promote cultural development and understanding through a rich range of experience, both in and beyond school.
  • To eradicate prejudice related bullying in relation to the protected characteristics listed in the Equality Act 2010. 
  • To tackle prejudice and promote understanding in relation to people with disabilities. 

4.Monitoring arrangements
The headteacher will update the equality information we publish every year. This document will be reviewed by the governing board at least every 4 years. This document will be approved by governing board.


5. Links with other policies
This document links to the following policies:
• Accessibility plan


Last reviewed September 2024

Equality Duty.pdf .pdf
Protected Characteristics.pdf .pdf
Broadway Avenue, Milton Keynes, MK14 5PY
01908617868, Emergency Number: 07761513423

Equality Objectives


Our school aims to meet its obligations under the public sector equality duty by having due regard to the need to:
• Eliminate discrimination and other conduct that is prohibited by the Equality Act 2010
• Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it
• Foster good relations across all characteristics – between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it

2.Legislation and guidance
This document meets the requirements under the following legislation:
The Equality Act 2010, which introduced the public sector equality duty and protects people from discrimination The Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) Regulations 2011, which require schools to publish information to demonstrate how they are complying with the public sector equality duty and to publish equality objectives
This document is also based on Department for Education (DfE) guidance: The Equality Act 2010 and schools. In line with the Public Sector Equality Duty 2011, our Equality Objectives are as follows:


3.Equality objectives

  • To promote spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development through all appropriate curricular and extracurricular opportunities. We aim to meet this objective with particular reference to issues of equality and diversity. 
  • To reduce prejudice and increase understanding of equality through direct teaching across the curriculum. 
  • To promote cultural development and understanding through a rich range of experience, both in and beyond school.
  • To eradicate prejudice related bullying in relation to the protected characteristics listed in the Equality Act 2010. 
  • To tackle prejudice and promote understanding in relation to people with disabilities. 

4.Monitoring arrangements
The headteacher will update the equality information we publish every year. This document will be reviewed by the governing board at least every 4 years. This document will be approved by governing board.


5. Links with other policies
This document links to the following policies:
• Accessibility plan


Last reviewed September 2024

Equality Duty.pdf .pdf
Protected Characteristics.pdf .pdf
Broadway Avenue, Milton Keynes, MK14 5PY
01908617868, Emergency Number: 07761513423

Equality Objectives


Our school aims to meet its obligations under the public sector equality duty by having due regard to the need to:
• Eliminate discrimination and other conduct that is prohibited by the Equality Act 2010
• Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it
• Foster good relations across all characteristics – between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it

2.Legislation and guidance
This document meets the requirements under the following legislation:
The Equality Act 2010, which introduced the public sector equality duty and protects people from discrimination The Equality Act 2010 (Specific Duties) Regulations 2011, which require schools to publish information to demonstrate how they are complying with the public sector equality duty and to publish equality objectives
This document is also based on Department for Education (DfE) guidance: The Equality Act 2010 and schools. In line with the Public Sector Equality Duty 2011, our Equality Objectives are as follows:


3.Equality objectives

  • To promote spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development through all appropriate curricular and extracurricular opportunities. We aim to meet this objective with particular reference to issues of equality and diversity. 
  • To reduce prejudice and increase understanding of equality through direct teaching across the curriculum. 
  • To promote cultural development and understanding through a rich range of experience, both in and beyond school.
  • To eradicate prejudice related bullying in relation to the protected characteristics listed in the Equality Act 2010. 
  • To tackle prejudice and promote understanding in relation to people with disabilities. 

4.Monitoring arrangements
The headteacher will update the equality information we publish every year. This document will be reviewed by the governing board at least every 4 years. This document will be approved by governing board.


5. Links with other policies
This document links to the following policies:
• Accessibility plan


Last reviewed September 2024

Equality Duty.pdf .pdf
Protected Characteristics.pdf .pdf